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Safeguarding Team
At our school, we have a dedicated safeguarding email address, if you need to contact a DSL urgently: head@themill-tkat.org
Our Safeguarding Team:
- Designated Safeguarding Lead - Sophie Gosden, Headteacher
- Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead - Chris Noble, Deputy Headteacher
- Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead - Jess Burnett, Assistant Headteacher
- Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead - Matt Eagle, Assistant Headteacher
- Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead - Jane Crockford, SAFL
- Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead - Julie Whitington, SENDCo
Our Safeguarding Governor is Ann Woolfe. Part of their role is to challenge our procedures and policies, ensuring that we are effectively safeguarding all of our pupils.
If you or a child is in immediate danger, phone the Police on 999.
Our trust is fully committed to Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children and young people.
At the Mill Primary Academy, we aim to provide a caring, positive, safe and stimulating environment which promotes the social, physical and moral development of the individual child, and strive to make sure that every pupil in the school feels secure, well cared for and able to reach their full potential. You will find child protection and statutory safeguarding documents in the information, policies section in the tabs above.
Reporting a concern to the school:
You can contact the designated safeguarding lead, who is the headteacher directly at head@themill-tkat.org or a deputy designated safeguarding lead jane.crockford@themill-tkat.org. Any concern you have relating to safeguarding will be responded to within school hours. Please see the West Sussex information below for emergencies.
Contacting West Sussex Children’s Services:
If you have a safeguarding concern about a child, you can also call or email:
Phone: 01403 229900 (Monday to Friday between 9.00am and 5.00pm)
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