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Pupil Premium
The pupil premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers. You can apply for pupil premium through the West Sussex County Council website here.
Using the pupil premium effectively
The Education Endowment Foundation has produced a teaching and learning toolkit to help teachers and schools effectively use the pupil premium to support disadvantaged pupils. Its families of schools toolkit helps teachers learn about effective practice from similar schools. We have taken some ideas from other schools and continue to renew and reflect on the best provision and best practice there is available in order to have the greatest impact. Our Pupil Premium strategy can be downloaded below.
TKAT ACE – a champion for every child – provides a dedicated 1:1 tutor.
TKAT ACE is one-to-one tutoring for all children entitled to pupil premium funding in EYFS to Year 6.
All pupils who are in receipt of pupil premium in The Mill have an ACE tutor from September 2022. In our school, there are over 150 children this applies to.
ACE Tutors may be teaching assistants, pastoral or support staff who have a passion for giving extra support to pupils, to solve barriers to learning and engagement. They support pupils and their families in the following areas:
- school-related issues
- relationship issues
- financial issues
ACE Tutors meet with their pupils on a regular basis.